Machine Learning Engineer with a strong foundation in electronic engineering. I hold a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Electronic Engineering, complemented by hands-on experience through internships in development engineering and software development. During my internships, I gained valuable insights into IoT, AI&ML concepts and techniches and contributed to an open-source machine learning Python repository.

My master’s focused in machine learning and advanced signal processing, with my research in the application of deep learning to fiber optic sensors (FBG and DAS). I possess a solid understanding of deep learning, classical machine learning and computer vision techniques, further bolstered by my interest in neuroscience.

Adept not only in fundamental data science tools like NumPy, Pandas, Scikit-learn, and PyTorch (also in Tensorflow but I rather use Pytorch) but also skilled in PySpark and SQL, I leverage these tools to preprocess and analyze complex datasets and build predictive or clasification models. With experience in data visualization using libraries such as Matplotlib and Seaborn, I am adept at presenting insights in a clear and compelling manner.

Recently I have taken a job related to the Big Data services from Google Cloud Platform with the objective to gain a broad understanding on the application and usage of cloud services in the concext of AI & ML. Thus gaining hands on knowledge of services related to the ETL/ELT process, such as Cloud Storage (Data Lake), BigQuery (Data Warehouse), Dataflow (Beam) and Dataproc (Spark). As well as tools related to Data Science and ML Engineering, mainly in the services that fall under the Vertex AI umbrella, providing the necessary tools for experimentation (Workbench notebooks), experiment tracking (ML metadata), productionizing (Custom training, Model Registry, Model Evaluation, etc) and the deployment of inference and training pipelines (Vertex AI Pipepilines and Cloud Composer).

Driven by curiosity and a thirst for knowledge, I consistently seek opportunities to expand my skills and stay updated with the latest advancements in the field. With a strong analytical mindset, attention to detail, and an obsesive minset for solving complex problems.

I am now eager to apply all the things I have learned in applications with significant impact!